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DIALED S2-EP7: What's Inside a Fork Dust Wiper Seal? (Plus New Fox 38/36 Bleed Valve)

DIALED S2-EP6: Setting Up the New Fox 36 Fork | Q&A with Jordi Cortes

DIALED S2-EP5: What is VVC? | Jordi breaks down a GRIP2 damper from New Fox 38 Fork

DIALED S2-EP4: Can Brake Lever Position Cure Arm Pump? | Quick Tip with Jordi Cortes

DIALED S2-EP3: Initial Suspension Setup for Kaos Seagrave's New Build

DIALED S2-EP2: Q&A in Quarantine with Jordi Cortes

DIALED S2-EP1: Lousa Postponed | What's Next for DIALED and the DH World Cup?